“You’re telling a group of people that is a fourth of the tribe to go ahead and die because you don’t want to give us a shot,”
By that logic, the _US Federal Government_ is telling EVERYONE without a CDIB card to “go ahead and die”. We’ll save the discussion of how that’s inherently discriminatory for another time or that “go somewhere and die” was one of the reasons Reservations were established in the first place and instead focus on 1) the greater than 98% survival rate _if_ you even catch it, 2) the slight chance that the vaccine itself will kill you (don’t expect your life insurance to pay out in that unlikely event) and 3) the option to get a shot for free at a VAST array of other locations.
Just be a responsible adult and exercise some individual responsibility to get a shot instead of crying over not being able to pursue the avenue of backdoor reparations for a few to do so in this case.

A group of Seminole Nation Freedmen, descendants of slaves once owned by the Seminoles, are firing back at the Seminole Nation regarding their claim that they were denied the COVID-19 shot at an In…
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March 22, 2021 at 08:56AM - E Pluribus OTAP

Seminole Nation Freedmen member recorded being denied COVID vaccine by Oklahoma Indian Health Service clinic
Click the headline to see the full report at E Pluribus OTAP on Facebook |
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