Twelve people in a day? That was in like 3 minutes during WWI.
We should run home and hide under our beds if we can’t take a bloody nose.
Hell…34 dead and 171 wounded (They received Purple Hearts) on the USS Liberty and where are the calls to never forget or forgive or demand vengeance?
Let’s be real. This was never a “war”, we never fought to win and the other side is on top because they never cried a river over losing twelve people.
Have we forgotten that it’s their country now?! They’re not supposed to let any of the enemy live.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The attacks that killed at least 12 U. S. service members outside the Kabul airport Thursday left President Joe Biden with increasingly fraught choices: continue the evacuation and risk more deaths or end it earlier than planned and risk leaving behind Americans who are still...
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August 26, 2021 at 08:21PM - E Pluribus OTAP

Biden left with difficult choices after Kabul attacks that killed at least 13
Click the headline to see the full report at E Pluribus OTAP on Facebook |
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