I’m not sure if they saw the same movie I did, but they’re pretty’s off target on almost everything they commented on except for the “diversity”.
That was forced, unnecessary, nonsensical and actually a bit racist in some instances. I’ve been saying that since 2011 and the first Thor film. It simply isn’t reasonable that ancient Vikings would be praying to Idris Elba - particularly given that Heimdall and Sif are siblings with the same parents.
Ditto with Valkyrie.
It’s still not as bad as the forced diversity and ethno-recasting we see with Nu-Trek.
But hey…according to all the cackling harpies on The View, except for Whoopi Goldberg, the photo accompanying this post features two “women of color” (the new way of saying “colored women”) in prominent, superhuman roles.
The author of the article/review, Jim Hoft, must have had some unrealistic, ethnocentric expectations when he went to watch a movie that deals with the various pantheons of numerous different cultures’ religious beliefs (not to mention those of fictional space aliens too).
I would imagine that ‘Ol Jimbo would have many of the same complaints about “Doctor Strange”, “Moon Knight”, “Loki”, “Black Panther” and “Ms. Marvel” - the last two of which, thankfully, avoided the “diversity” lunacy by at least realistically depicting a fictional, isolationist, racially homogeneous, ethno-state with strong border control/immigration policies where the people either worship an Egyptian cat goddess or a Hindu monkey god and, well…South Asians, Islam and the Partition of India (with two notable exceptions).
Not as good as Thor: Ragnarok, but stil a good movie.

AVOID AT ALL COSTS: “Thor Love and Thunder” is a Disney groomer’s dream. The Disney movie is woke from beginning to end, mocks Christianity, everyone is gay, and the queen is called “king.” Bring your kids if you love to have adult conversations about gay rock men having lava babies. It’...
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July 12, 2022 at 08:00AM - E Pluribus OTAP

AVOID AT ALL COSTS: "Thor Love and Thunder" - Unless You Like Woke Movies Where Even the Rock People are Gay and Having Babies a...
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