Saturday, May 15, 2021

Dear Israel, As an American dirty sailor, I don’t care about you ... at all. #USSLiberty #AmericaFirst But, please stop pussyf...

Dear Israel,

As an American dirty sailor, I don’t care about you ... at all. #USSLiberty #AmericaFirst

But, please stop pussyfooting around with your undeterrable enemies. Please skip to end by smashing everything and killing everyone in the contested areas and then send in the covered wagons.

Your first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, was absolutely correct when he said: “If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?”

Furthermore, as an American, I would recommend that all Americans reflect upon PM Ben-Gurion’s words as they relate to our own ongoing situation, especially with respect to things like the McGirt Edict.


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May 14, 2021 at 09:42AM - E Pluribus OTAP

Dear Israel, As an American dirty sailor, I don’t care about you ... at all. #USSLiberty #AmericaFirst But, please stop pussyf...

Click the headline to see the full report at E Pluribus OTAP on Facebook

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