South Africa had something similar.
Gandhi publicly burned his and was beaten and jailed (repeatedly) for doing so.
“In August 1906, the British administration in the Transvaal passed the Asiatic Law Amendment Ordinance (Black Act) to control the entry of Indians into the Transvaal. Every Indian man, woman and child older than 8 years had to register with the Registrar of Asiatics. Indians and Chinese who did not register by a certain date would no longer be allowed to stay in the Transvaal. The law required Indian people to have their fingerprints taken in order to be issued with their registration certificates. The certificate had to be carried at all times and be produced on demand to any policeman who asked to see them. An Indian who could not produce a certificate could be fined and sent to prison.”
Literally the equivalent of American Kennel Club papers for people. One of the most archaically racist things the U.S. Government still does today.

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October 07, 2021 at 10:09AM - E Pluribus OTAP

South Africa had something similar. Gandhi publicly burned his and was beaten and jailed (repeatedly) for doing so. “In Augu...
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