First of all, if MG Laich and COL Wilkerson were in the Army, then how about PROPERLY abbreviating their ARMY Ranks?
Second, I’ve met Colonel Wilkerson after his time with Secretary of State Powell…a true _PATRIOT_ who puts America first.
Third, just say “ORDERS” and not “Lawful Orders”. For one thing, there are entire chunks of the UCMJ that are blatantly & obviously discriminatory and unconstitutional, but everyone who suits up for Uncle Sam is expected to abide by them (FYI: Vanessa Guillen is dead because of Article 134). For another, insubordination is irrelevant to “lawful” or not and by throwing that out there you are 1) implying some “morality” to war that doesn’t exist, while opening the door to that which you want to prevent (insubordination), depending on how some “Barracks Lawyer” feels about what they’ve been told to do.
The truth and reality is that “I was only following orders” has always been a perfectly good excuse/justification/reason.
Finally, the comments regarding any State’s National guard are just …silly. Unless and until they are Federalized, the Governor of their respective state _IS_ their Commander-in-Chief.
This is even moreso in the case of State Guards, like that of Texas, for example, which cannot be Federalized.
Finally, there was no “insurrection”. If there was, we would have definitely KNOWN it. It does not matter who you are are - you lose credibility the instant you suggest otherwise or that said “insurrection” is related to any of the other issues at hand.
At the end of the day, QUIT CRYING! Orders _ARE_ orders. If people don’t feel like following them, just kick them the hell out of the military and just keep on going.
Definitely quit crying over all the Sexual Assault and Suicide given the way the military handles the former and all the Toxic Leadership that factors into the latter. Take of the rose colored glasses and acknowledge that the military is like any other employer and that it’s ranks aren’t filled entirely with “the best & brightest”, especially after two decades of recruiting being a pump and not a filter…kind of like what a lot of our public schools have turned into.
At least the article is correct about us NOT having won a war since WWII. Then again, CONGRESS hasn’t actually declared war since 1941 and we haven’t actually FOUGHT TO WIN since 1945. Hell…we have a Supreme Court now that would happily overturn the results of the Plains Indian Wars!

When senior uniformed officials decline to take immediate appropriate action to restore discipline in the military in response to mass insubordination, they are derelict in their duty to the institution, the nation and service members who obey vaccination orders, the authors contend.
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January 08, 2022 at 01:08PM - E Pluribus OTAP

Insurrection has led to dereliction of duty
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