As someone who spent years serving aboard my beloved U.S. Navy’s submarines and aircraft carriers, followed by additional Intel work and who went through figurative hell and actual reprisals in violation of the Whistleblower Protection Act in 2010 when I turned in the two of the higher ups of the U.S. Army unit I was serving with in Bahrain who thought it was a good idea to post clearly marked SECRET satellite photos of a PATRIOT Missile site on a outdoor bulletin board in front of a dining facility staffed by KBR civilians - including Third Country Nationals from places like Bangladesh, India and the Philippines – not to mention the troops in the unit who did not have security clearances at all – let me say this: YES! No one should ever get away with the mishandling or unauthorized disclosure of classified material. NO ONE. EVER.
As someone that our nation has entrusted with a wide range of information vital to our national security, this revelation is deeply concerning and offensive to me. ANYONE who does this should be imprisoned and punished to the fullest extent allowed by law and the 13th Amendment. ANYONE…to include a certain former Secretary of State.
It isn’t just a question of no one being above the law, it is a question of non-discrimination and the law applying equally to everyone: ONE set of rules for everyone on the same patch of dirt. NO EXCEPTIONS; Equal protection of the law, as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. This is why the Supreme Court’s McGirt decision is a discriminatory abomination. PERIOD. It is nothing short of a return to “separate and unequal” and it is inexcusable and unjustifiable. Either someone is opposed to discrimination or they aren’t. As Justice Clarence Thomas has rightly stated: We need to get past this idea that there is “good discrimination” and “bad discrimination. And the same applies to the rules, regulation and laws regarding the handling of classified information.
P.S. I was only saved from being run out of the Army by those I had turned in through the intervention of then-Senator Carl Levin of Michigan and Senator Jim Inhofe – whose seat you are running to fill. In a way, if it wasn’t for them, I probably never would have met Kendra Horn. After returning to the US from Bahrain and being honorably separated from the active Army and transferring to the OK National Guard, out of gratitude, I began volunteering at Senator Inhofe’s Oklahoma City campaign HQ and that was the genesis of my involvement in Oklahoma politics.
August 13, 2022 at 01:49AM - E Pluribus OTAP

As someone who spent years serving aboard my beloved U.S. Navy’s submarines and aircraft carriers, followed by additional Intel ...
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