What do you mean _IF_ it stretches beyond criminal cases?
There is no “if”, but when. And let neither side pretend that was not always the ultimate goal.
It will eventually apply to all aspects of “tribal land” everywhere in the area between Mexico and Canada.
If you currently reside on McGirt Dirt and don’t have a CDIB card, you should probably be making preparations to leave as, apparently, you we’re supposed to ever have been there in the first place - That’s kind of the whole point of a “Reservation”.
Otherwise, expect varying degrees of lawlessness as certain people figure out what they can and cannot get away with during the gradual transition to Apartheid and return to “Separate and Unequal”.
Sovereignty is like pregnancy - you can’t have just a little bit of it. Get ready for a bunch of “Lesothos” from sea to shining sea.
And don’t think for a second, either, that the Tribes won’t be bickering with one another where there’s proximity and or overlap of their dirt; as has been the case since before Columbus got lost looking for India.

Governor Kevin Stitt and his administration are facing off against the US government in federal court over coal mining rights on tribal land.
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December 02, 2021 at 11:33AM - E Pluribus OTAP

Gov. Stitt, Federal Government Face Off In Court Over Coal Mining Rights On Tribal Land
Click the headline to see the full report at E Pluribus OTAP on Facebook |
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