I love the comments.
And I don't wonder at all why the majority of people are responding with "Happy Father's Day". Perhaps something about how most people had never even heard of "Juneteenth" until 2020 when Operation Mockingbird hit us with the national network news anchors all mentioning it.
Happy Father's Day.
The actual first “Juneteenth” in Texas was a case of thievery and war plunder that was immediately discarded.
Remember, the Emancipation Proclamation specifically excluded all the slaves in the USA that President Lincoln actually had jurisdiction over.
Too many people have a inaccurate and romanticized view of President Lincoln. He was a racist, war mongering tyrant that is most remembered for rasslin’, log cabins and fighting a completely unnecessary war of conquest.
The USA at one point coexisted with Canada, Mexico and Texas.
There’s no reason why it could not coexist with Canada, the CSA and Mexico as well.
Lincoln said repeatedly that he did not think Black people were equal to White people and that he truly did not care about slavery, but that his only concern was reacquiring the dirt lost to the CSA.
No one was “freed” nor did slavery end in the USA during his lifetime. As alluded to earlier, there were slaves who were, for lack of a better term, slaving away in parts of the USA (President Biden’s home state of Delaware in particular) until the ratification of the 13th Amendment on December 6, 1865 - well after the so-called “civil war” ended.
Even then it was a hollow victory as General Sherman wasn’t allowed to go far enough nor did President Johnson follow through in the aftermath.
Is it any wonder why today in Mississippi “Juneteenth” isn’t a holiday, but Robert E. Lee’s birthday is not only a holiday, but it is observed on the same day as MLK’s birthday. 🤷🏼♂️ Confederate Memorial Day is the last Monday in April (which would be like Guam and Hawaii having Kamikaze Remembrance Day) and Jefferson Davis’ Birthday is the last Monday in May.
If anything, this is just a further example of the Folly of Federalism.
Nah…Abraham Lincoln is a lot more like King George than George Washington.
“Squeedlyspooch Day” could be a Federal Holiday too if there’s enough votes for it. If ever there was a time when our election officials acted as delegates instructed of representatives it was June 15 & 16 of 2021.
The ending of (private) slavery IS a momentous occasion in the history of our great nation and if we wish to celebrate it, we should do so on the day that it actually occurred and not on the day that the United States Army carried out the theft of Texan’s property two years after having been ordered to do so by their Commander-in-Chief.

The Department of Justice Celebrates #Juneteenth!
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June 19, 2022 at 11:29AM - E Pluribus OTAP

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