So...I received an email from a Nice Lady most know as Representative Stephanie Bice today.
I responded with the following:
Here’s an idea for saving money for the AMERICAN Taxpayers and to stop subsidizing liberals, communists and America-hating subversives:
"Disestablishing all remaining Native American Reservations followed by abolishing the Bureau of Indian Affairs and redirecting the funding to the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Thank you.
And yes, please ensure funding for Strategic Force Modernization in general and the Trident Replacement Program/Columbia-class SSBN’s in particular. And support HR 303 and HR333 that will allow ALL military retirees regardless of VA Disability percentage or time in service before being medically retired to receive both retired pay from the Department of Defense and VA Disability Compensation concurrently. We should also make CRSC (Combat Related Special Compensation) Applications automatic, perhaps as part of the Benefits Delivery at Discharge Program for those about to retire from military service.
Furthermore, with respect to our military service members who have joined up within the last decade and fall under the new “Blended Retirement System”, we need to take a serious look at how traditional Guard/Reserve are at a severe disadvantage compared to their active duty counterparts. This especially true for prior service Guard/Reserve who have a VA disability rating who basically drill for free because they are not able to received military pay and disability pay at the same time. This creates 1) an indentured servitude situation in violation of the 13th Amendment and 2) effectively denies or severely limits their monetary retirement benefit since they are not able to contribute as much (or at all) to their Thrift Savings Plan account if … they are not getting paid.
We also need to implement campaign finance reform such that only a living human who is eligible to hold a given office is allowed to donate to a candidate running for said office. Additionally, we should make it so that those who hold ANY “citizenship” other than US and US citizenship alone are not eligible to hold any elected office or be granted a security clearance.
As ever, thank you for your time and consideration and keep fighting the good fight.

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April 21, 2021 at 10:29AM - E Pluribus OTAP

So...I received an email from a Nice Lady most know as Representative Stephanie Bice today. I responded with the following: Her...
Click the headline to see the full report at E Pluribus OTAP on Facebook |
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